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H1Z1 Interactive Survival Map. All full and detailed maps. H1Z1 game is a zombie survival MMO set in a post-apocalyptic world. With exciting sandbox experience games

Sony Online Entertainment Pc Release New H1z1

President John Smedley, Sony Online Entertainment has launched an avalanche of new details about mysterious H1Z1. As predicted earlier, H1Z1 is one, full of apocalyptic zombie MMO with sandbox elements. However, Sony promises that this is more ambitious games your average zombie, with almost limitless potential. Hit the jump for all the juicy details. H1Z1 be a title free-to-play will start first on the PC and then on PlayStation 4. It will have microtransactions, but Sony has stated that it will not be ‘pay-to-win “or ask any of the subscribers. It also will be available on Steam Early Access in 4-6 weeks, but that will cost you $ 20. Sony Online Entertainment PC H1Z1 first report, and said after the game will be on PS4 will be shown in 4-6 weeks through Steam Early Access system.

In this version of the game will be on sale for $ 20. But at full output will be a free to play game, and some products can be purchased in the game with real money. The question in the minds of the players wonder if Sony make this statement is quoted from the game Dayz? In my opinion, this game more than the number cited in the Dayz. Because if you look at the features of the game with almost everything the same except that the system Dayz Dayz $ 30 and item no h1z1 of Sati and played with F2P game mode. However, in this way also play at Dayz server Hardcore. I put at the bottom of the first video game for you. H1Z1 is a multiplayer game in which players fight for survival in a world where death is a certainty. The virus ravages humanityh1z1 map and leave nothing but death and destruction. Already 15 years since first encountering H1Z1 and what remains of the world before being filled with the infected. Mankind has been reduced to hiding in the dark, desperate search for food and water and anything that can help to survive even for a day.

Daily life in Apocalypse means dealing with all kinds of wild animals and the cruelty of the other survivors, as well as finding your next meal and a safe place to sleep. It also means that scavenging or crafting anything that can help you live another day. In H1Z1 every minute, every day is borrowed time and feared for your life … Mankind has not been given in the infection. There are still pockets of humanity and the fight goes on!
To survive in this haunting environment, you do not have many choices. Or fighting to survive, or die. The enemy always lurking and get your daily siege. So be really careful. Games will provide the tools you need. It remains dependent on the will and all your energy only.

Source: http://www.h1z1maps.net/sony-online-entertainment-pc-release-new-h1z1.html